Each of our guests at CCL has their own story. Many are tragic and distressing, painful to recount and to hear. Such stories are sometimes also uplifting, encouraging and even humorous.
Not everyone wants to share their personal story or to have it made public. We respect such feelings and have not so far attempted to compile any kind of collection.
But other British organisations have done so. One excellent website is https://www.asylumlink.org.uk/refugee-stories/.
There are of course a number of books, such those profiled here: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/booklists/b/books-about-refugees-and-asylum-seekers/.
Waterstones have an interesting list at https://www.waterstones.com/category/politics-society-education/society-culture/social-issues-processes/refugees-and-political-asylum.
Then there are films and videos. See for example https://strengtheningasylum.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/13-powerful-films-about-refugees-you-need-to-see/.
We all have so much to learn!